Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy mulligan to me...

mul-li-gan (noun): a free shot sometimes given a golfer when the previous shot was poorly played

Technically today may be my 46th birthday, but you'll understand if this year I have decided to take the proverbial mulligan and put off the celebration until my Cushing's condition has, at least, been mitigated.  I love my  yearly "Carol Palooza" as much if not more so than the next Princess.  I mean, what could be more suited to Royalty than a designated day that revolves solely around her birth?  But this year I'm tired, I don't fit into any clothes, my hair is a little patchy, I'm avoiding sugar, carbs and fat, and I'm still walking with the Fabulous Pink Cane.  I just don't feel like breaking out the Palooza today.  But I will soon...and then, be afraid - be very afraid!

On this, the dawn of my 47th year, I find I have no philosophic adages to impart, no sage advice to give.  I've got nothing else but what we all already know in the backs of our minds:
  • Live life to your fullest capacity every day
  • A pity party is OK every now and again as long as you get back up in the saddle of the horse that threw you
  • Ice cream is good
  • Never give up
  • Accommodate your weaknesses
  • When in doubt, put on a tiara
  • Appreciate everything in your life as the gift it is
  • Take time to really see what is around you
  • Life is a freakin' strange ride
So, in honor of my mulligan, eat, drink and be merry.  Have some Halloween candy, sing "happy mulligan to you", smile, and don't forget to stop and appreciate.


1 comment:

  1. Carol,

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Carol, Happy Birthday to you. I hope your day was as good as it could be! We're thinking of you and know that you enjoyed the game last night with the Giants taking it 4-0! XOXO Dawn
