Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Don't blame global warming for hell freezing over!

Rather give the Giants credit because they WON THE WORLD SERIES!!  Take an umbrella with you today wherever you go - flying pigs are predicted.

For those of you who do not follow Bay Area baseball, or Major League Baseball at all for that matter, the San Francisco Giants took the World Series last night by besting the Texas Rangers in Arlington TX 3-1 in game 5. Since moving to SF from NY in 1958, the Giants have not won the series and in this house, the victory was sweet...and loud.  The pups retreated to upstairs as my adorable husband screamed like a little girl when the final Ranger out brought a close to the game and the series.

I must admit, I didn't follow the Giants with anything more than a cursory interest for most of this season.  Their propensity for snatching losses out of the jaws of victories is legendary and quite frankly a little frustrating if you are trying to be more than a fair weather home town fan.  I also didn't recognize any of the names of the players.  Little did I know that this rag-tag (can you really be rag-tag when earning more money in a season than most average people do in a lifetime?) group of baseball players was just the underdog I should hitch my cart to for inspiration.

The media says that the team is made up of "a rare mix of veteran rejects and budding stars".  How awesome is that?  That's exactly who I want to bask in the glow of victory.  The players who others wrote off, and those who people have, as of yet, not much confidence.  Either way, internal strength and unwillingness to accept the limitations imposed by others helped this team get to the pinnacle of baseball this year.  That and  a  little luck.  

I may not be vying for the title of Best Team in Baseball (I'd like to though...Brian Sabean, call me!) but it's good to know that old guys who were written off, and young guys who are a little unconventional can pull it together to defeat a viable opponent,  I'm not saying which group I identify myself with more, but suffice it to say, I'm taking a page from their playbook.

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