Saturday, October 9, 2010

Life is like a box of nuts and chews...

There are days when I fail to find any humor in my situation, and yesterday was one of those days.  That doesn't mean that I don't recognize every day how fabulous my life is.  But sometimes even I need to have a little pity party.

Somewhere in between the 3X daily monitoring of blood pressure, taking of a handful of daily medication, watching my ankles swell over my shoes, trying to walk without a requisite hitch in my giddy up, sticking to a diabetic friendly diet, sticking to a low salt/low fat diet, walking for exercise, resting for, well, because I have to, trying to get my atrophied legs to get me up the stairs in the house, looking in the mirror and seeing a face and body that isn't my own, and giving myself blood thinner medication injections into my belly, I got a little cranky. 

My mama always said that life isn't fair, and I believe it.  I've always believed it which is probably why I don't get too hung up on "why me?".  But sometimes trying so hard to do all the right things in a bad situation gets a little overwhelming.  Especially when the bad situation drags on and on for an indeterminable period of time.  So yesterday I had  a pity party all to myself.  There was wallowing.  There was also dime store tiara wearing, stuffed cow hugging, and doggie snuggling with sloppy kisses.  And today, I'm back Baby!  The Princess has recharged her batteries and it's back to all good!

Bottom line here is, in my opinion, a good wallow in one's own puddle of self-pity isn't a bad thing every once in a while.  There is something to be said for just getting out the negative feelings.  But you have to get back on the horse, look for and appreciate the positive things in life, and gravitate to the things that bring strength and happiness.  Even if all you can muster is a tiara and a stuffed cow!

Go forth and appreciate.  Hug a friend.  Notice the brightness of the world around you.  Smile for no reason.  Or with good reason.  And be happy.    

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