Monday, October 25, 2010

Hitch 'em up, move 'em out...

I realized this morning that it has been a few posts since I have mentioned my back.  Sometimes it amazes me that having an operation on my back, for a condition I didn't know I had that was creating a major physical problem requiring me to walk with a cane, scheduled within 2 days of flying back from the NIH, with a Neurosurgeon I hadn't met until less than 24 hours prior to surgery, isn't the biggest medical thing I'm dealing with this month!  Is this Universe crazy or what?

So here's the update.  I can feel the hitch in my giddy up becoming a thing of the past.  That feeling is based in part on the physical progress I'm making, and part on the mental aspects of just having my herniated disc fixed and the effected nerve starting to regenerate and learn how to function normally again. 

The physical progress I'm making with my hitch requires concentration on every step I take.  I  use the Fabulous Pink Cane instead of favoring my left leg even if I'm not having an "angry nerve day".  Those days come every few, especially if I've been doing alot of walking (relatively speaking).  It doesn't help that due to Cushing's induced muscle atrophy, my legs are so weak, they are slow to pick up the slack and re-learn how to hold me up correctly.  But as soon as the Cushing's is nipped I can return to the gym and rectify that problem.  Hopefully by then I will have taught my left leg how to walk correctly without thinking about it and my motion will just keep getting better and better. 

Mentally, finally getting something fixed and feeling better for it has been a HUGE positive for me.  I had gone for so long just feeling lousy.  Yes, we were ruling things out, and that is progress with the Cushing's.  And yet I was getting no closer to feeling any better - in fact, I was feeling worse as the days passed.  My left hip and leg were giving me alot of pain that I thought was part and parcel with all the other Cushing caused medical wheels that were falling off my cart.  It weighs  on you.  Pain makes you a little crazy.  And not being able to solve it makes you a little insane.  Now we solved something.  And despite the days that my left leg nerve revolts, I feel better.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel and I just have to get through it.  No matter how long that tunnel is, it's likely I will not emerge on the other side with a hitch in my giddy up!


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