Monday, November 15, 2010

test 1,2...test 1, this thing on???

Today found me falling back into the routine of blood draws, pee collection, scans and drinking funky stuff then seeing what it does.  Woo hoo!  Part of what we're doing is getting the required baseline data together for the "Muffy" (Mifepristone) medication study.  Those items need to be completed before I start taking the medication on Wednesday morning.  I also have a couple of more scans to have done now that we're back looking for an ectopic tumor.  So I am just busy busy busy!

I did get a bit of good news today.  It seems my body's ability to deal with metabolizing sugar is holding firm.  It's not getting worse.  That is great news.  I don't know why that is, but I'll take it.  Given that there are symptoms of my Cushings that have gotten worse since my last visit here, I am very happy.  Maybe that means my diet lock down has helped?  Who knows?  But I'm not taking a chance on that plate of nachos bigger than my head quite yet. 

One of the more interesting (to me if no one else...) baseline tests I did today for the drug study was a standard cognitive test that they give to all the participants.  Not anything complicated.  Just some memory, logic, and common knowledge questions.  Cushings can markedly effect your ability to concentrate and think clearly.   While I got all the questions right, it did take much more concentration than it should have.  It does prove, yet again, how much worse off I could be right now.  I could be going through this while having trouble thinking too!  I mean real trouble!  That would definitely be bad...

Tomorrow is more tests, more peeing in a jug, more blood being taken, more scans.  That should keep me busy until we start on "Muffy" medication to try to get my cortisol levels down on Wednesday.  It's an exciting week!!!

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