Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Can I get a flock???

We've all heard that counting sheep helps you fall asleep.  I've never understood why.  Why sheep?  Why not robots?  Or ants?  Or puppies?  Why sheep?  I need to know because they aren't working for me.  Although, truth be told, the robots aren't doing any better...

I haven't had a decent nights sleep in I don't know how long.  I may have mentioned it here before, but Cortisol production in a "normal" body goes down at night so you can sleep.  If you have a body like mine in which Cortisol production never goes down, it's a struggle to get it to sleep all the way through the night.  And this is a problem.

I love my sleepy-by time.  Love, love, love.  I would have put it in my "Favorite Things" post, but couldn't get the pups to take a decent picture of me sleeping.  It's a lack of thumbs thing.  Anyhoo, my sleepy-by time has really taken a hit and I'm starting to get a little pissy.  Let's face it - you would too if you're staring at the ceiling every night between 1am and 4am wondering whether to crack open the book on the bedside table, or just give falling back to sleep a go because maybe this time it'll work.  Admittedly, sometimes it does.  What wonder!  What Ecstasy!  But more often than not it's the book or solving all the world's problems in the wee small hours of the morning.   FYI, you'll be getting the memo on Israeli/Palestinian peace in a future blog...

Bottom line is that among all the symptoms of Cushing's I'm looking forward to shedding when this saga is over, insomnia is among those at the top of the list!  I may just go into hibernation for a few weeks.  Take to my bed as it were...with a plate of nachos bigger than my head and ice cream...lots of ice cream...  

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