Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'll have a side of beef with that side of beef...

What does any BBQ loving Princess do before she leaves Kansas City for a 3 week stay in Maryland?  She goes to the best barbeque restaurant located in a gas station (no, I'm not kidding - it really is in a gas station) in the Universe and stuffs her face with sausage, burnt ends, red beans and rice, and crispy seasoned fries.  Mmmmmm, good....  This cholesterol fest will definitely hold me over during my visit to the land of crab cakes and partisian politics! 

I'm off to the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda MD tomorrow morning and I can't wait to get the process started.  I have received a preliminary schedule of the testing and whatnot they have in store for me over the next 3 weeks, and it seems a little daunting.  But boy are they organized back there!  I'm going to be in great hands and, while I don't want to get my hopes up too high, I'm confident that this is my best chance to find the root cause of my Cushing's.  So I'm throwing the clothes I have that fit in my bag (did I mention that one of the symptoms of Cushing's is uncontrolled weight gain?  Yeah, I may have left that out...), and embarking on this adventure with a totally open mind and an amazingly low stress level. 

I've been asked whether or not I'm nervous, and I can honestly say that no, I'm really not.  What scares me is not stopping the deterioration of my body.  The people at the NIH are my best shot at getting my body back to it's normal self.  How can I be nervous about that???  Besides, I have all you people rooting for me.  And that's a good thing...

So I enjoy my BBQ, pack my bag, and look forward to seeing the sights of DC.  Oh, and live as a human lab rat for the next 3 weeks.  Yeah, there's that.  Funny the opportunities life throws at you sometimes, isn't it?  Anyhoo, keep those positive vibes coming and I'll continue to regale you with tales of my adventures.  It should be interesting for us all!!

1 comment:

  1. one lab tech to the other: "Hey, you drew BLOOD, right? That looks a little like barbeque sauce." Makes me wanna run right out for a bag of sliders! You GO, girl!!
