Monday, September 13, 2010

Did someone order a blood draw???

What else does one do at 6:00 am (5:45 actually, but who's clockwatching?) when at Medical Freak Camp other than fill 8 vials with blood?  And I  have been off and running ever since.  But let me catch you up with yesterday first.

I flew from Kansas City to Baltimore yesterday on a direct Southwest flight that couldn't have gone any smoother.  Not like me you say?  True, but we'll get to that later.  After kissing the babies goodbye at 7:30am-ish, my trusty sherpa/husband drove us to the airport, hauled my bag inside, checked it in and into bag security, and then we sat and enjoyed a lovely cup of Starbucks before I had to go through security.  For those of you without metal bits and pieces surgically implanted in your bodies, security at the airport my revolve around your laptop, shoes and terribly expensive face lotion in quart sized zip lock bags.  For me it's a full body wand and pat down after letting the TSA agents know I'm going to set off their alarm with my hip implant as I go through their machine.  Oh yes, and then I also have the laptop and the shoes.  It's all fine, I leave extra time.  But on this day, for the first time, I went through the new full body scan machine that they are using in Kansas City.  I just stood there with my arms overhead (as the agent and eye level diagram clearly illustrated) and a couple of seconds later I was waved through.  It took longer for my backpack, shoes, laptop and fabulous pink cane to go through the x-ray machine!  Woo-hoo!  I am having a great day so far!  I then ventured to the gate agent and got a pre-board sleeve for those of us who need a little extra time.  I am using the fabulous pink cane from last summer's hip surgery full time now due to muscle weakness in my legs that make it unsafe for me to navigate unaided.  So I was able to get on the plane and settled without holding anyone up and was snoozing before the wheels were up.  We even arrived in Baltimore 20 minutes early!  And the guy in the seat next to me saved me snacks!  I was on a roll!  I got my bag, and made it to the door where the shuttle would arrive and take me to the NIH Clinical Center.  I double checked with the information desk there and confirmed I was in the right place and the shuttle would arrive in about 45 minutes.  I'm starting to think my luck has changed.  There is no shoe waiting to drop.  It was indeed not all too good to be true...Until the shuttle was late.  The shuttle is never late.  Runs like clockwork so they say.  But on this day, a flat tire was had, and on some level I was relieved.  Good thing we got that out of the way.  And at least the shuttle was on the way to the airport, not stuck on the rainy expressway with me in it.  A cab was called and while it was a long day, I finally arrived at the NIH.

I got checked in, and brought up to the 5th floor unit I will be calling home for the next 3 weeks.  The next 2 hours or so was a blur of nurse and doctor evaluations, medication, blood draws, dinner, a tour of the floor, unpacking, getting settled and a slight case of locational panic.  This place is huge.  Like huge enough to be able to wander around for days and never find your way back to where you started.  You won't starve, be bored or, certainly succomb to a disease of any sort, but going MIA is a distinct possibility.  I tried not to panic about that and actually got a pretty good night's sleep. Here are pictures of my home away from home including my own biohazard refrigerator! 

Today after the morning wake up blood draws, I got the instructions for my 24 hour urine collection test.  I have done these before, but they do it a little different here.  And I don't have to keep the big brown jug in the kitchen fridgy next to the milk!  Then there was nurse evaluation, breakfast, medication, shower, evaluation and interview by my assigned Fellow doctor on the Cushing's team, evaluation/interview with all 4 doctors on the Cushing's team, EKG, chest xray, more peeing into a jug, schedule review, lunch, physical therapy Doctor and Therapist interviews and evaluations, a check by the nurse, and whew, Carol needs a nap!

It's been a busy first day, but the staff here are great.  And they have everything under control.  Medical  tests, procedures, physical therapy, recreation, whatever it is, my needs are getting evaluated and scheduled.  I even found the Library on the 7th floor and checked out a book!  Tomorrow I shall endeavor to find the 1st floor coffee bar!

So my loyal readers, you are now up to date with all the news from Bethesda.  Do not doubt that I am being well taken care of, but still keep those positive thoughts coming. 

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