Sunday, September 26, 2010

The best latte EVER!!

I must admit, when you're being poked and prodded, tested and blood let, wheeled and moved around a hospital all day every day, you look forward to the little things that may bring a bit of normalcy to your life.  In my case, I have been craving a Starbucks.  Perhaps craving isn't the right word.  LIVING FOR might be a little bit more appropriate verbage to use.  Needless to say, there is no Starbucks on the NIH campus, but with Keith visiting for the weekend, I planned to find one of the 4 venues located in Bethesda and drink up!

Saturday afternoon, after yet another 24 hour pee-in-the-jug test was over, we ventured down to the metro stop and into Bethesda.  Thanks to the internets, smart phone, and google, Keith was able to locate our hard target.  It took a bit of walking, which, for me these days, can be perilous.  But a mission I was on and there was no deterring me from the task at hand. 

It was a beautiful day in Bethesda and we enjoyed the stroll amongst the sidewalk cafes and shops.  Lots of people, dogs, bikes and normal.  I didn't realize how long it's been since I was amongst normal, and I got filled up with it yesterday.  Once we got to the appointed Starbucks, the Fabulous Pink Cane and I plopped in a signature purple velvet cushy chair while Keith ordered.  Never had I anticipated the wonderful goodness of a Venti/decaf/soy/skinny vanilla latte to the degree I was while waiting the barrista to concoct it.  And then it arrived...
The skies parted, the angels sang, and it was good.

We eventually made our way back to the metro, and back to the NIH where I was pooped and done for the day.  Keith and I had dinner and turned in early.   Did I mention that the latte was GOOD???

Normal.  Good.

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