Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Remember me?

It seems like quite a while since I posted an entry here.  I couldn't come up with anything to say.  I know what you're saying right now - "Carol couldn't come up with anything to say?  That's a first."  Yes, yes it is.  But be that as it may, my mom always told me "if you can't say something good, don't say anything at all".  You do the math.

Christmas came and went without much fanfare here in the Davis-Nunes household.  Our parents spoiled both us and the granddogs and my friend Wendy sent a care package with goodies for us all.  I was feeling kind of funky though.  Kind of light headed and unsteady.  I took my blood pressure at lunch time and it was 87/58.  No wonder I was feeling loopy!  After a hearty Christmas meal, and perching on the sofa for the rest of the day, my blood pressure was back up by bed time. 

While this episode wasn't the most pleasant in the world, it was actually good news.  Cushings makes your blood pressure go up...way up.  And I've been on a daily handful of blood pressure medication for months trying to keep it in line.  Before I started taking Muffy, it was hovering around 145/95 even with all the medication I was taking.  It has since dropped to the 110/80 range since Muffy.  But it was getting even lower than that in the run up to Christmas culminating with the 87/58 reading.  This means Muffy is working!  Let's take a moment to appreciate that.  Working with my gaggle at the NIH, we have eliminated two of the blood pressure medications from my repertoire.  Now we watch and wait to see if my blood pressure stays around normal, or gets too high.  I'm ready to have to start taking one of the meds again, but so far, so good.

I hope all of you had a great holiday! 

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