Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'm a rakin' fool

I know it sounds weird, but I've always liked raking leaves.  Most people hate it, but I like it.  It makes your yard look nice and it's a great workout.  Unlike many of the chores in and around the house, there is a noticeable change for the better in the appearance of a yard after a good raking.  Since I've been home from the NIH, I haven't had the energy to go out and rake.  I stare out the window at the growing layer of dead leaves wanting to go out and rake up a bag or two.  Keith has managed to keep us from drowning in leaves, but he isn't as passionate about raking as I am.

Maybe the leaves this year mean more than in previous years.  This year I can't do the work in the yard that I want to.  That is much different from being able to do it and just not wanting to.  Maybe raking has become a symbol of the helplessness I feel because my body isn't the same one I used to have.  It doesn't look the same, feel the same, or act the same as it used to.  Or maybe I just like a neat yard...

Well, this afternoon I was a raking fool in the back yard!  I was having a good energy day, and decided to rake a little rather than just staring out at the leaves.  I made several big piles of leaves, and raked up a significant amount of doggie-doody as well.  I only made a small dent in the work that needs to be done, but while I was raking and bagging I felt normal.  A small bit of normal, but normal none the less.  And normal is good...

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