Thursday, December 16, 2010

In a holding pattern...

After about 30 minutes of staring at a blank screen, I realize that I have nothing interesting to say today.  Not that what I say every other day is interesting, but you know what I mean... 

I'm still taking Muffy according to the study plan still without any negative effect on my system.  My withered leg muscles are getting a little bit stronger every day.  My blood pressure has come down alot, but not enough to start getting off all the medication I am on to control it.  I've lost a few pounds, but nothing you can notice if you look at me.  My energy level, while inconsistent, seems to be getting better.  So we know Muffy is working, but not as fast as I'd like, and without amazing results that would be good blog-fodder.  I'm just kind of hanging out until things start happening and my symptoms start improving more noticeably.

I had about a gallon of blood drawn yesterday for tests to make sure that Muffy isn't doing any damage.  Thankfully this happens every two weeks now rather than every morning at 6am at the NIH! I'm not anticipating anything bad being found, it will be interesting to compare these results to the results from two weeks ago.  Call me a dork (and many have) but that stuff is really interesting to me. 

So there you go.  You are now up to date with my Cushings status.  Keep those positive vibes coming!

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