Monday, March 19, 2012

Inspiration - don't be a stranger!

In case you haven't noticed, I haven't been the most prolific blogger of late.  It seems that my last several posts promise an effort to change that situation, and yet the follow through never materializes.  I'm not a professional writer.  I have not trained myself to write whether or not the mood strikes.  And the mood has not striked...struck...whatever...

My blog posts are drawn from inspiration that I find.  Inspiration to do, to be, to NOT do or be. Something.  Anything.  Even if it's just the inspiration to get through the day.  And to be honest, inspiration has been a bit hard to come by lately.  I've just been on auto pilot taking my pills, working out, completing my to do list, peeing in my jug and going to my doctors appointments.  Just keep on keeping on.  Putting one foot in front of the other doesn't a gripping blog post make.  So the days pass waiting for that inspiration to strike and lamenting the fact that it doesn't.

But inspiration doesn't come from outside, it comes from inside.  We make our own inspiration.  Even if you think that something you see gives you inspiration, I am here to tell you you're wrong.  It's what you do with that sight that is the inspiration.  It's how you react to the world around you that forms your being, not the world itself.  So basically I came, yet again, to the realization that if I wanted to be inspired I had to do nothing but open my eyes and mind and let it flood over me. 

Now that sounds pretty Pollyanna-ish.  Or perhaps, it sounds like it's so easy.  Don't get me wrong.  If it were easy we'd all be skipping around singing with smiles on our faces looking for rainbows and unicorns.  Life don't work that way!  At least mine doesn't.  But when you're feeling uninspired, if you concentrate on looking for things that make you feel lucky, or happy, or just take you out of your problems for a little while, you cannot help but find the inspiration for which you search. 

The weather here in the mid-west has been unseasonably good.  We haven't had winter, we've just had pre-spring.  And all the while I've been uncomfortable with this turn of events because I've been waiting for winter to hit and hit hard.  But I love being outside.  I love the feel of the sun on my face and the trees and the people out walking their dogs in the park.  Instead of looking at the weather as a way to happily enjoy some of my favorite things, I'm thinking that every sunny day now is a day the snow and ice will fly in June!  Inspiration is in front of me waving it's hands screaming "look at me!" and I keep turning the other way!  Duh!  That little gem hit me over the head as I pulled on my running shorts and shoes this morning and headed to the park.  Yes, I am a little slow...

But the Universe wasn't done dropping the obvious in my lap.  As I jogged around the park feeling that my legs were made of cement instead of flesh and blood, I caught sight of a couple getting out of their car.  They had coffees and each had a pastry of some sort and they were walking slowly over the jogging path toward the center of the park.  As I got closer I realized that she was bald; and not "bald as a style choice" given the way she was dressed in shorts and a sweatshirt.  He had the hovering mannerisms of someone who is trying to act normal while making sure nothing happens to her.  I know that dynamic.  I've lived it.  I jogged by them knowing that I have come so far.   Not as far as I want to, not as far as I need to.  But I am upright, moving forward, relatively stable on medication and I have hair. 

Every now and again we all need a reset.  We need to get back to the important things we have in our lives not the things we wish we had.  Inspiration is everywhere.  We just have to look.

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